January 2024 President’s Report

Happy January PNW PGA Members!

I hope you have found time to rest and recharge during this chilly month. I will keep this month’s article brief, as I have just returned from some much-needed R&R myself. 

If you didn’t get to read Frank’s New Year’s article on January 1, I highly recommend you revisit it in the prior ForeWord Press issue. Reflecting, goal setting, embracing change and innovation and cultivating positivity are great for your business, but also great for us personally. Make sure you are setup for success this year. For me personally, I am going through a “strategic planning” exercise with my wife. We are in our second year of marriage, and we are at a great point to look at not only 2024, but where we want to be in the next five years. 

On the Section governance front, I will be doing the same with a small task force looking at our strategic plan. In 2016, leadership put together a great model for the Section, covering our core components of tournaments, player development, employment, professional development, community outreach/charity and governance. By spring, we will revisit each of these components and our strategic vision. We intend to look at the new plan National rolled out called the North Stars. I look forward to the process. If you have any thoughts as you read this, please email me at cnowlen@pga.com. I would love your insight.

 2024 is a “double” election year for the PNWPGA. This fall, the Section will be electing our next Section Board Secretary. Candidates will complete a near year-long campaign as they explain their vision and promote their platform to Section membership. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me or Mr. Talarico to declare their candidacy. Also, 2024 is the PNWPGA’s turn to select the next District 14 Director. District Directors are members of the PGA of America’s National Board of Directors; District 14 represents the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Sections. Please contact me or Mr. Talarico if you are interested.

Some of you may be attending the PGA Merchandise Show next week in Orlando. If you would like to connect, feel free to text me at (406) 241-9854. I hope to see you there.

If you haven’t visited our new website, please check out www.pnwpga.com. The Section staff has done an amazing job updating our site.

Chris M. Nowlen, PGA

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