PNW PGA “Stay Involved” Education with Monte Koch – PGA ExecuSearch

November 17, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Molly Cooper


PNW PGA “Stay Involved” Education with Monte Koch

PGA ExecuSearch: Overview for Success in Landing a Top Management Level Role

Join us for a one-hour webinar presented by Monte Koch where he will:

  • Provide a general overview of the PGA ExecuSearch process including how it works, what administrative services are provided by PGA Career Services
  • Provide a coaching perspective on how to succeed in an ExecuSearch process, including:
    • Your Resume
    • Video Interviewing
    • Creating/sharing your “Professional Portfolio” effectively
    • Prepping Your References
    • In-Person Interviews
    • Old School “Better Practices” to Get You Noticed in the Right Ways

This webinar will be held via Google Meet. Receive 1 PGA Required MSR / 1 AMP Education Credit for attending.

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